HIAS+JCORE’s Unaccompanied Minors Project (JUMP) is a befriending project for unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children and young people in London.
JUMP provides one-to-one befriending for young asylum seekers and refugees aged 15-25 who have come to the UK without their parents or guardians. We match them up with a trained and committed adult volunteer befriender, who build a regular, stable and structured friendship with them, and offer them support as they navigate their way through life in the UK.
Before filling out this application form, please read the befriender role description so that you understand what the role requires. Please note that if you are successful in your application we will require a DBS check and two references.
We particularly encourage applications from those with lived experience of forced displacement.
Please note that we are currently only able to take on volunteers who are based in London, or are able to commit to being in London once a fortnight.
If you are unable to fill out this form but would like to be involved, please email jump@hiasjcore.org