Dear supporter,
Today HIAS+JCORE launch our ambitious new 2024-27 strategy – and we’re excited to share this document with you.
Shaped by our staff, trustees, partners, and the people we work with, it outlines our Jewish values-led vision for a UK where refugees are welcomed, in a society free from racism.
With a new government elected earlier this month, we know that there is refreshed opportunity for this work.
But we can’t do this without you. Guided by our values of compassion, responsibility, solidarity and partnership, our strategy outlines four key areas towards our mission:
- Advocating as the go-to Jewish organisation, bringing a bold and confident call for a fairer, more welcoming asylum system to the press, politicians and policy makers.
- Supporting refugees and asylum seekers, providing significant impact and empowering them to thrive through welcoming, empowering, and volunteer-driven programmes.
- Mobilising the Jewish community, building a passionate and informed movement through education, volunteering and activism.
- Thriving as a financially sustainable, forward thinking and lived-experienced led organisation.
We of course face many challenges to delivering this work. In the UK, and beyond, right-wing populism is on the rise, threatening social cohesion and refugee rights.
But together, we’re optimistic about helping build a Britain which is a far better place for displaced people. This strategy will introduce new campaigns and practical support projects, with meaningful opportunities for the Jewish community to learn, engage and advocate.
And crucially, we’ll be matching this with new resources and sessions, drawing on connections between different forms of xenophobia and racism, and the experiences of refugees.
We’re determined that a strong Jewish voice is heard in advocating for our mission – and we look forward to working with you all towards this.
Best wishes,
David, Amos and the team
PS: Can you help us achieve this ambitious strategy by making a donation to HIAS+JCORE? Click here to support our work today.