Judith Flacks (HIAS+JCORE's Chair) and Sunder Katwala (British Future Executive Director) are speaking on stage and sat down in chairs. They are in front of an audience. Sunder is sat on the right and speaking into his microphone. Judith is sat on the left and holding a microphone on her lap. Behind them is a screen displaying



We work across the Jewish community, driving engagement with our core issues: supporting refugees, and fighting the racism they so often face. This is done through running education sessions, facilitating volunteering and encouraging activism. We lead an informed and efficient movement of Jewish activists, active in both social justice and social action projects.

HIAS+JCORE is passionate about providing opportunities to young people and students, alongside engagement with Jewish clergy. To support this, we will be launching our Rabbinic network in the coming months.

‘Gishur’ (partnership) is one of our core values, and so we’re also proud to work closely with Jewish communal organisations on projects supporting refugees and opposing racism.

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