08.07.2024 - Our priorities for the new government

Dear supporter,

Last week, the Labour Party was elected to power – and after years of hostile asylum policy, this new government must result in change and a different approach.

At HIAS+JCORE, we’ll be working hard in the coming weeks, reaching out to new MPs to ensure they hear our Jewish values-led approach for a welcoming, compassionate asylum policy.

We’re pleased that Keir Starmer has stuck with his pre-election pledge and has immediately scrapped the cruel Rwanda policy. This is an important first step towards the fairer, more humane asylum system we desperately need. But clearly, there is far more which needs to be done.

Before the election, we outlined our vision for the asylum system in our 2024 manifesto.

And with a new government in power, here are our five key priorities:

    • Introduce and expand safe routes
    • Restore the right to asylum
    • Tackle the housing crisis facing refugees
    • Reverse legal aid cuts
    • Scrap pseudoscientific age assessments

Want to join us and take action? Contact your new MP, share our priorities, and ask what they’ll do to ensure refugees are welcomed in your constituency and nationally.

Best wishes,

David, Amos and the team