What We Do

HIAS+JCORE exists to enable displaced people to thrive in a society free from xenophobia and racism.

HIAS+JCORE's Executive Director Rabbi David Mason stands at a lectern at the CCJ's 2024 AGM.

Our Executive Director Rabbi David Mason addressing the 2024 CCJ AGM


We bring a bold and confident call for a fairer, more welcoming asylum system to the press, politicians, and policy makers.


We’re proud to create meaningful opportunities for members of the Jewish community to engage in our work. We have multiple pathways for engagement and are building a passionate and informed movement through education, volunteering and activism.


We work directly with refugees and asylum seekers. Our projects make a significant impact and empower displaced people to overcome challenges and thrive.

Refugees hiding from violence

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Support our work for a UK where refugees and asylum seekers flourish, as a part of a society free from xenophobia and racism.