HIAS+JCORE exists to enable refugees and asylum seekers to flourish as a part of a society free from xenophobia and racism.
Who We Are
We stand for a world in which refugees find safety, community, and are welcomed by good neighbours.

our values
We are led by our Jewish values and history of Compassion (Rachamim), Responsibility (Arvut), Solidarity (Shlemut) and Partnership (Gishur).
who we are
For more than 50 years, JCORE (the Jewish Council for Racial Equality) has worked for a world free of racism and hate. In more recent years, this work increasingly has focused on supporting refugees and fighting the racism that they so often experience.
Founded in the late 19th Century, HIAS is the world’s oldest refugee agency. Originally set up by Jews to help fellow Jews, guided by religious purpose and communal solidarity, HIAS today is a multi-continent, multi-pronged humanitarian aid and advocacy organisation with thousands of employees, dedicated to helping forcibly displaced people around the world in keeping with the organisation’s Jewish ethical roots.
In 2023, HIAS+JCORE – a new partnership, bringing this work together in the UK – was launched. HIAS+JCORE remains an independent, UK registered charity, but one aligned with and benefiting from HIAS’ vast expertise and support.
Learn about HIAS+JCORE's history
Learn Morewhat do we do?
We work in three main areas:
Advocating – we lobby politicians and policy makers, sharing our Jewish-values led vision for a fairer, more welcoming asylum system.
Mobilising – we work across the Jewish community, driving engagement with our core issues. We educate, facilitate volunteering opportunities and encourage activism.
Supporting – we work directly with refugees and asylum seekers, overcoming challenges and empowering them to thrive.