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Watch our 2024 summary!

2024 was a big year for HIAS+JCORE. In March, we celebrated the first anniversary of our partnership with HIAS, which was followed by the launch of our 2024-27 strategy in July.

Here’s what we achieved this year…


Our team ensured that the Jewish case for a fairer, more compassionate asylum system was heard by decision makers and in the press.

Across the year, we met 20 MPs, members of the House of Lords, and local councillors. Our work was featured in the media 21 times, including appearances on the BBC and coverage in the Jewish and national press.

In June, we launched our 2024 General Election manifesto. We’re pleased that two of our calls – for increased legal aid, and a 56-day ‘move-on’ period – have now been met by the new government.

In 2025, we will be continuing our ‘move-on’ period campaign, pushing for the six-month trial of a 56-day period to be made permanent.

HIAS+JCORE's Executive Director Rabbi David Mason stands at a lectern at the CCJ's 2024 AGM.

Our Executive Director Rabbi David Mason was pleased to address the Council of Christians and Jews’ 2024 AGM. (Photo credit: CCJ)


We delivered our message to groups across the country, from Scotland to Sussex, London to Liverpool. In total we brought our work to 11 different communities.

Our team spoke to over 1,200 people, ranging from synagogues, youth groups, and sessions at Limmud Festival 2024.

Feedback showed the impact of our events: 100% of attendees agreed that they would consider volunteering with or advocating for refugees.

We were also proud to engage with young people throughout the year. This included delivering sessions to LJY-Netzer, and speaking at RSY-Netzer’s summer camp. Amidst the far-right riots, we also worked with RSY-Netzer to write messages of support to young people on our JUMP project – we received hundreds of deeply powerful messages.

Photo shows Eliza Ward, HIAS+JCORE's Frontline Support Manager, talking to a woman wearing a Mitzvah Day t-shirt. Eliza is wearing a grey suit jacket and both are seated at a table.

Our Frontline Support Manager Eliza at Southgate Progressive Synagogue’s Mitzvah Day 2024 event (Photo credit: Mitzvah Day)


Our JUMP befriending project went from strength to strength, supporting 42 asylum seeking and refugee young people in 2024.

Our JUMP team delivered 288 casework interventions, ran seven community events - attended by a total of 128 young people - and facilitated over £10,000 in Hardship Support grants.

We were also proud to work towards launching the UK’s first Welcome Circle.

In 2025, we’ll be expanding JUMP, bringing its work outside London for the first time. Watch this space!

Our 2024 JUMP beach trip was a real highlight of the summer! (Photo credit: Jared Arteaga Solano for HIAS+JCORE)