Dear Friends,
As a former Trustee of EcoJudaism, environmental issues are close to my heart. So I’m delighted that we’re partnering for an important event later this month, exploring the growing challenge of climate displacement – and action the Jewish community can take. Read on to find out more.
During these difficult and painful times, we’re continuing to support efforts for community cohesion and against hate. With that, we were proud to join with many others in the Jewish community and sign the ‘Our Jewish Values‘ statement. It’s very welcome to see humanitarian values and calls for interfaith dialogue featured centrally in this.
And as an Edinburgh native, I was pleased to speak to the Scotsman on the worrying recent surge in antisemitism. In the interview, I discussed the role that far-right populism, conspiracy theories and geopolitical uncertainty have played – you can read the full piece here.
Read on for more details about our upcoming climate displacement panel event, and information on a number of exciting opportunities available at HIAS+JCORE!
Sign up for our panel event
Climate change will lead to a major increase in global displacement.
But there are currently no legal definitions of a ‘climate refugee’ – and the 1951 Refugee Convention does not cover those forced to move by climate.
With millions of people facing future displacement, it’s clear that the current lack of legal protections will have major consequences.
Want to find out more? Join us at 8pm-9pm on Thursday 30th November, the opening day of the COP 28 climate summit, for an online panel event.
Could you join our team?
Amidst the current context, efforts to bring communities together and combat racism are perhaps more important than ever.
If you’re interested in supporting our work for a world free of racism, and where refugees and asylum seekers can live in dignity, we have a number of exciting opportunities available!
We’re recruiting for:
- A variety of positions on our board to help take our work to the next level. We’re looking for trustees with experience in safeguarding, immigration and asylum law, and fundraising – if this could be you, click here to find out more. (Closes 23rd November).
- An Office and Finance Manager to keep the organisation ticking! Find out more and apply (Closes 20th November).
Thank you as always for your support, and please do be in touch,
Warm regards,
David, Amos, and the Team