Securing a fair start: making the 56-day move-on period permanent

Jan 21 - Jan 21, 2025
19:30 (GMT) - 20:30 (GMT)

The government’s trial 56-day ‘move-on’ period is welcome news for people leaving the asylum system. But this policy will only be in place until June 2025.

Doubling the ‘move-on’ period will drastically reduce refugee homelessness – and it will give new refugees a fair chance to rebuild. It’s clear that we must make this trial permanent.

We can only make this change with your help. Join this webinar and learn how you can advocate for lasting change.

We’ll hear from:

  • Lou Calvey, Executive Director, Asylum Matters
  • Bridget Young, Director, NACCOM
  • David Mason, Executive Director, HIAS+JCORE

We’ll also learn about the broader issues in our asylum system restricting integration, and the broader current context of migrant homelessness.

Learn more about the ‘move-on’ period.